
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Who would be a cow!!!

Last week the 50+ Adventure Club went on a different activity to normal - we had a farm visit!!  However before getting there in the evening I had a fairly traumatic day.

In the morning I had my embroidery class and as I drew up in front of teacher's house, her husband pointed out to me that I had a puncture.  It was not absolutely flat because I would have heard and felt it whilst driving, but the tyre was very low to the ground.  What to do??  Well I don't pay a monthly amount for breakdown cover for nothing so I contacted them and within a short time they arrived, changed the wheel for my spare and in between I carried on with my embroidery - easy peasy!! 

BUT I had arranged to go on a walk in the afternoon before the Farm Visit and I had to get a new tyre fitted and my time frame was quite tight so my walk was cancelled and I would meet everyone at the pub for supper before the walk.  Excellent meal and then off to the farm.
Wellington boots were donned and off we walked to meet the herd of pedigree Ayrshire cows and the bulls.  The farm supply Long Clawson dairy with milk for their Stilton Cheese which means that it has to have a high fat and protein content and Ayrshires were deemed by this farm as the best.

The bull runs with the herd and the pregnancy cycle of cows was explained to us.  There were some amongst us who did not realise that, like us, cows only produce milk after having a calf!!  They are not like hens that lay eggs all the time.  The calves are kept overnight with their mothers to get the colostrum, before being taken away either to stay on the farm if they are heifers (young females) or sent for fattening if bull calves.  Meanwhile the cow will produce milk for the next nine months or so (decreasing in amount and quality) until it is time for the bull to take an interest again.
Less than a day old calf
I was brought up about a farm and in those days I think it was all a lot more laid back compared with the very business like farming today and it is very hard work.

In this blog I mention that I signed up for a Sustrans long bike ride.  Well I was worried, because I am not a particularly competent  rider and haven't been on a ride for ages so it was with some trepidation that I arrived.  The people were all very friendly as we set out at a reasonable speed and for a while I was able to keep up but as we got out into the countryside I started to fall back.  I was accompanied and encouraged all the way but after about 8 miles I realised that I could not cope, my legs were like lead, my bottom was sore and I was holding up the group as they waited for me, so I turned round and left them to return to the start.  What a wimp I felt, BUT straightaway I felt better, I was enjoying myself, seeing the wildlife and the countryside and it was fun!!  On a very quiet country road, I turned a corner, and at about midday, a large dog fox crossed the road in front of me.  I watched him disappear down the edge of a field.  No camera available unfortunately.

However as I got near to the end I had to go through an underpass under a major road and I spotted this artist at work:-

Well this was an opportunity for a chat and he showed me that what he is spraying is a word and though he had a rough plan it was mostly done freehand.  Very clever and he was happy to talk. 


  1. Fascinating picture, I'm afraid I'm not artistic enough to discern what the word is, do you know? Barbara xx

    1. He did explain it to me - there is an S there - but it is his spraying name I think.

  2. Thats a very colourful painting - much more cheery than concrete!
    Love the small of cows - reminds me of my childhood times spent in the milking parlour eating cow cake and drinking milk straight from the cow.

    1. I too, was given milk from a Jersey cow and hated it - warm and very thick - ugh!! Never have liked a glass of milk!!
